What didn't happen today? My day started off by me leaving my breakfast AND my lunch at home on the kitchen counter. So what did I eat today you ask? Breakfast was Cheez-Its and lunch was Doritos and grotesque pretzels. I had two SST meetings today with parents. That basically means zeroooooo breaks today. However, one parent suggested that I get a raise for all of my hard work with her son. She also thought I deserved wings... as in angel wings. L gave me a five cent raise after hearing my story. I declined the offer though :). Four kids at recess today decided it would be a good idea to "mess with" another boy. What? This resulted in me calling five parents to explain to them what had happened today. All were very appreciative that I notified them. I felt sorry for the "bully" because I learned something new about his home life :(.
I had to make one of the most difficult calls of all time after school today. I got a job offer in Charleston for a position at a school (my back up plan). I told them Mimosa stole my heart (again) and I am back to stay there (Thank you Jesus!) :). The principal was so nice and understanding, which helped my feelings of guilt. A lot of good has come from this though... my friend Mallary is moving to Charleston and so is my friend Anna. I set them up to be roomies together! I'm pretty much a matchmaker. Since living in ATL in happening again.... Lindsey, her roommate Laura, Lindsey's new puppy, and I will all be roomies too! Everything is just happening for good reasons. God has a great big plan for me... He has this whole time... I was just too blind to see it. I see now why He made me experience everything recently... I am so thankful for all of my countless blessings!!
Panda Express (McDonalds of Chinese food) was calling my name after I made my phone call. I was hungry especially since I ate crap today. I went to bible study today... except we didn't do what we had planned. Everyone shared their good news.... new jobs, engagement pictures, trip to Moldova and surviving the volcano, new couples in the dating world, etc. Kacie and I realized that only cool people still wear braids. Check out our back-to-back pose. Doesn't it look like one big head with pigtail braids... a blonde and a brunette one? HAHA!!! We went to Baskin Robbins for 31 cent ice cream scoops for their 31 flavors. Our bible study went last year for it too. I got mint oreo.... my fav!!! Heading to bed... night loves.
Please pray for my sweet 78 year old grandmommy! She is having major knee problems and had to go to the hospital today. I hope LA didn't wear out her knees. I love her too much and hope she heals nicely! Love you grandmommy.... she reads my blog so I know she'll see this!!
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