I made two parent phone calls about concerns I had about their child's behavior. BOTH of them turned my spirits up! One of them told me I have done such a good job with her daughter that she wants to actually attend SCHOOL at UGA. Currently, she is concerned with what she will study there. So cute!! Apparently the random outbursts this child is experiencing is anxiety because we will be separated in a few weeks.... wow! I had no idea..... that worries me that she is so concerned about that now, but it is also comforting that she feels that way about me. The other parent told me how much of an influence I have made on her son. Apparently he has made the most progress in my class behavior wise than he has in his whole life. Wow. The two convos definitely steered in directions I was not expecting. It's nice to know I am making a difference, but man oh man... have I learned about my patience through the process! I leave you tonight with my water bottle saying... "Life is good."
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