Boohoo. Today was our last full day in LA! I am super sad, but to be honest... I do miss my Georgia life. We went to Santa Monica today. We ate lunch at Bubba Gumps. Out of all of the times I've been to the Santa Monica pier, I've never eaten there before. It was amazing!! I had all things shrimp. Delish! My friends and I have inside jokes about this place. Pretty much any inside joke we have we beat it to the ground. We copy the Forrest Gump movie by saying things like... "shrimp popcorn".... "shrimp fruit by the foot".... "shrimp poptarts".... "shrimp bubble gum"..... haha. So fun! It only seemed appropriate to eat here. I bought an awesome shirt that had phrases like these on it! After lunch, I fried myself in the sun for several hours. It was kinda sunny kinda cloudy.... and now I'm kinda pinky! Ahhhh.... oops. Oh well! We decided that walking down 3rd street Promenade was a good choice. SOOOO much shopping! We saw some great dancing acts on the streets. The groups of dancers or single dancers perform for the crowds shopping in the promenade. They have big buckets where you can put money in. Some of these people deserve to be famous, but obviously the economy is rough. Some of these people are worthless and it is obvious why they are doing what they are doing. After this, we drove to Venice Beach for dinner. We ate at an Italian place. They draped a big piece of paper over the table where you could draw to pass the time before your ridiculously large meal came. I decided now was my time to shine. I only have two specialties with art.... the flower and the eye. I figured if I can't get a gig dancing and performing, I can always fall back on art. ;) If you read my post yesterday, you know that my girlfriends tried to get me to go out tonight. Well, they tried again and I stayed strong. No going out for this little girl. I am sleepy and I need to get a good sleep. I have a confession though...... the reason it was so easy to say no to them was because on Tuesday... Lauren and I booked a flight to come back out here in July! SEE YOU SOON HOLLYWOOD!!!!!
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