I was a busy bee tonight! Got some pics developed, went to Arby's, graded papers (realized I need to work on hyphens... haha), got gas for my car, scrapbooked, packed, then got sucked into watching the CRCT video for over an hour. My school is freaking hilarious. Here I am... it is now 11:19 pm. I have to be in my car in seven hours to go to Charleston. I can't wait for some beach time, but definitely not looking forward to the drive by myself :(. It's a good thing I like music so much! I'm going to make a new cd for the 5ish hour drive. I have the Natalie Merchant song "Kind and Generous" in my head.... good song.
Glad I could help with the cookie giving and putting a song in your head...hope you made it safely! What? No nap?