What an eventful night! I witnessed one interesting thing happen and one scary thing happen.
One interesting thing: I am running on the treadmill and happen to look over at my neighbor who whips out his computer and notebook. He is not strolling on this thing.... he is jogging!! I was just waiting (along with the rest of everyone in our area) for it to fall to the ground. He also managed to somehow type along with writing notes in his handy dandy yellow notebook. What??? It never once fell. Never once!! I couldn't help but giggle at the craziness of the situation. I guess no matter how hectic my life may seem, there are always other people busier than me.
One scary thing: After working out, I went to a Starbucks connected to a Target to finish my chapters due for bible study tonight. As I am reading, I hear a call of help. "Can somebody help me?" I truly thought I was hearing things, but then proceeded with reading. Then, it was loud.... she screamed out "CAN SOMEONE HELP ME!! NOW!!!".... I ran over to see what was wrong. Her 2 year old had gotten choked on some food in the check out line. They were trying to do the Heimlich and that didn't work... so this brave man (I was a nervous wreck!!) put the baby upside down and shook it until the food came out.... all FOUR pieces of candy!!! The baby eventually cried, which meant that she could now breathe. It was so scary watching an innocent child not be able to breathe or show much life. She ended up being okay, which I was SO happy about. That was definitely an eye opening experience.
"Wow" to crazy man? or "Wow" to baby? Both are pretty "Wow" to me!