Today was one I'll never forget. SOOOO much fun. My mom and grandmommy picked me up from my friend Blair's apartment and we went to the Grove to eat some lunch. After that, we decided to walk on over to the CBS lot about 30 minutes early. Note: On MY ticket it says that all seats are assigned and that you must arrive by 2:30 (also, arriving earlier was NOT needed). So we're walking... walking... walking.... and I see a HUGE line with very well dressed people. As you know, DWTS is very glamorous so I assumed they were standing in line for the show. As I got closer I realized they were there for the same reason I was so my heart started to pound. I walked about 100 people back and everyone is very nervous they are not going to get in. I am sweating bullets by this time because I am thinking I ruined it for my family. As I stood there talking to people, I realized.... wait a second.... my ticket said go to C6 gate, which was totally not where I was. I soon realized once I got to C6 that I was on the drum roll please... the VIP guest list. WHATTTT??? I knew my friend who worked for the show got me tickets, but I didn't know I'd have special treatments. SO, we stood in line with everyone's everyone. I met this adorable family with cutie pie little boys and girls who were supposed to perform in tonights show, but they couldn't squeeze them in. I actually recognized them from when they performed a few seasons back. My favorite up close and personal moment was when I walked out from getting water (I almost passed out from the heat.... the producer people were worried for me) I ran into Mark Balas aka the guy who got kicked off last week with the hurt leg and who performed the guitar tonight on stage. We shook hands and chatted for a bit so basically we're best friends. When they called our number (zone 2), we went into the studios. My name was on a chair. Yes, my name. I was in front clear as day. No one sat in front of me so I could see perfectly. I am not shocked I wasn't on tv though because I was behind the cameras. If anyone watched, remember the first number with Reba singing and the two girls had the cowboy hats? We were in that section where the girls first started the dance. It was SO cool! I saw Vicki from the Real Housewives of Orange County. Vienna from the Bachelor was fun to see just because she is drama. Buzz Aldren's wife was bedazzled from head to toe. I had clear view of these people because they were in the section directly next to us. A lot of the dancers came by us... they all seem so nice!! Tom and Brooke did all of their introductions just feet away from us. If I wanted to, I could have probably touched them, but I knew I'd probably get kicked out. haha. Tom was such a goofball before they were on air. Chelsey was jumping up and down, up and down, up and down before she performed bc of nerves literally right by me.... and Tom said, "Man, are you tired, Chelsey? Because I'm exhausted watching you!" Reba performed in front of us, but both of her performances were before the show started live. I am not going to lie, I was disappointed when I heard it was her, but to be honest I enjoyed watching her. Overall, today was such an awesome experience. I am so thankful for my friend Ashley. She was too nice to get us the tickets!! That was my day in a nutshell. Gotta get in bed early.... Dr. Phil tomorrow :) My aunt got in town tonight so it's fun having someone new to the LA gang! Good night!!
Yeah! It sounds like so much fun! Do you want me to send your song and video to you so you can give it to producers?