Woohoo. Made it to Cali! I slept the entire plane ride because my grandmommy drugged me. Literally!! I could barely walk onto the plane because I was about to pass out. My mom woke me up every time they gave out drinks and food. Then the sleeping cycle would continue. I absolutely HATE flying for those of you that do not know. I really am not a fan because of some scary experiences I've had before. Glad we got here safe and sound. When I was at baggage claim, I saw a semi sort of star. I saw Sal Masekela from the Daily 10 on E!. On our way to the hotel, my phone alerted me that I had a new email. It was an email from DANCING WITH THE STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are going this Tuesday for the live show. I was completely thrilled. I have my friend Ashley to thank because she totally hooked us up. She works for the show so her connections are pretty amazing. For lunch, we went to In N Out. I've been there a few times, but my mom and grandmommy have not. I advised them to get "animal style", which has the fattening sauce, cheese, and onions. Pretty much the full experience of In N Out. We went to Millions of Milkshakes tonight for dinner.... yes only a milkshake for dinner. This place is pretty cool.... a lot of celebs will go there and create their own milkshakes then the customers can pick which ones they want. I got the Miley Shake because it has my two favorite things in it.... Reece's and cookie dough :). SO as you can see, I am staying healthy and fit already. We went shopping for hours today.... I bought two new swimsuits and a brand new camera. Lovely, huh? I had no choice... I must document this trip! We came home a speck early because we are waking up to go to church in Beverly Hills then hitting Newport Beach and Laguna Beach all day. Don't be shocked if I don't come back.......
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