Things on my mind.... 6/10 apply to the job craziness.... but what do you expect?
1) I love Georgia.
2) I love Mimosa. Other places don't compare...
3) I am more than thankful I kept my job!
4) Drug busts are scary... especially when you pull off the highway to get gas and you are scared for your life.
5) Life isn't fair... why can't jobs be based on performance and not seniority?
6) Josh and I will continue to have Monday night step dates for eternity.
7) I miss my mom/roomie. She's in Kentucky with her high school DECA team! :(
8) My foot hurts because I bruised it when I jumped out of the car in shock of the drug bust. For real, it is black.
9) Tomorrow at school is going to be rough. I want to say something to my friends, but what do I say? I am just soooo sorry.
10) I am thankful for my friends and family in my life. In high and low places, they all care and prayed for me! I LOVE Y'ALL!
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