Hallelujah! Today was a day I have been waiting for for a long time. A team of teachers met on a child (one of my students) to discuss eligibility for special services at school. I have worked my hiney off since the first day of school to try and get her help and TODAY IS THE DAY!!! All of my hard work has paid off. I am so happy for her.... she will finally get the instruction she needs!
I left school in a weird mood. I realized I hadn't talked to many people?? What? Me? I know. It's hard to understand. With my very long meeting, I didn't talk to many people besides my kids. As I was leaving school today, I decided I wanted to catch up with Meg aka our awesome school secretary. I usually have a fun convo with her throughout the day, but today.... nothing :(. So, on my way out I decided to pause and catch up. She does a good job reading my blogs and she knew today was STEP day for me. We talked about how funny it'd be if I took a pic of my love, Josh, but we said how weird and awkward that'd be especially when we were in the middle of working out. Well, ladies and gents... I don't know what came over me, but I did it. I whipped out my phone and snapped a photo of the man that is my "Step daddy" and I am his "step child". This is Josh! I was going to be secretive and get him without him realizing I had my phone out, but obviously that's not possible with a hugeeeee mirror. Haha... not to mention he did a pivot turn right as I shot this picture so that's the only reason he is facing me. I am in the pink shorts... if you look closely you can see my look of guilt. HAHA. I did it Meg, I officially did it. :)
OH yeah... please pray for my cousin, Jessica. Today is her 28th birthday and we don't know where she is :( It's a long story, but she is not making good choices. My heart hurts for everyone involved, but today.... pray for just her.
I am beyond tired.... good night peeps!
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