This smiley face is feeling a bit better than I am currently, but I couldn't find another one that matched my feelings. However, I am feeling better today! Currently, I am not swallowing knives and razors. YAY!! I have been eating today, which hasn't happened since 1 1/2 days ago. I never miss a meal and somehow I missed 4? Phew, that's over now! I feel much better strep wise. My allergies are still there, but I can deal with them. I got a fabulous report from a few teachers that kept up with my class. I am so proud of them! It feels good when a very experienced teacher says, "I was very impressed with them as always. I told them they made you proud today!" or another very experienced teacher says, "I asked them how they did and they told me they knew all of the answers--100%. Now how's that for confidence?" Do you see why I am so lucky to be at my school? Man, I am so thankful.
I achieved 2 things today... 1) I completed my part of the lesson plans and sent them out to the grade level. 2) I slept.
hey girlfriend! yay, so glad that you have a blog! I can't wait to read and catch up. we still need to have lunch sometime- I swear to you, I won't back out! let's plan something. and glad you are feeling better and those kiddos did good on their testing!