Good evening people!
Today was absolutely such a delight. I woke up at 12pm! WOW. I can't remember the last time I did that. Get this... the kids weren't even up yet either! I had to wake up all 3 of them.... one 16 year old and two 14 year olds.... lazy bums. Once I got the lazy bunch up, we made lunch then I dropped the girls off at the mall for a birthday party. I couldn't resist so I went inside to browse the stores. I didn't buy anything.... yet. After this, I went home to my apartment because I was so close. I cleaned up our apartment (no comment) then took Ottie out to help Lindsey. I love that little baby as if he were my own. I'm a bad auntie because a lady came over to us and Ottie playfully jumped on her and got mud ALL over her shirt. She was so sweet... "Oh, it's okay I need to wash this shirt anyways". Let me point out the shirt was a nice, nice, nice sweater that was clearly clean. Ooops, I felt horrible for Ottie's actions. Guess there's not much I can do. I decided that I was going to get some exercise before I had to pick up the girls so I walked to a Life Is Good store and Barnes & Noble (my favorite!). No luck at Life Is Good, but I did luck out at B&N. I went to buy the "You Read to Me, I'll Read to You" series only. I walked out of there with 6 books. Ooppssssss! I have an addiction to buying books... especially children's books. I treated myself to a Robek's strawnana smoothie--my fav! The girls called me to tell me they were going to catch a ride with one of their friends to their haunted house they were going to so I was off the hook. I decided I'd go shopping a bit for my Halloween costume. I lucked out! I will be Pocahontas. I am so stoked! I'm going to a costume party next weekend that it will be perfect for! I found some adorable jewelry for it too. Now, just to find John Smith :). Just playing... or am I? I came back to my cousin's house to grade papers, blog, and watch the UGA game. GO DAWGS! I am waiting on the phone call to come pick up the girls from their haunted house that they were working at. I can't wait to see them considering I haven't seen them since 2:30 this afternoon. They're the little sissys I never had--it's fun! Kelee (the dog) and I are hanging low till the party arrives :) Speaking of parties.... I am missing 2 right now as we speak :(. Man, being a mom is hard work :)
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