Highlights of today (the good, the bad, and the ugly):
-Started my morning off running my car into a pole in my parking garage. First thing that's happened because of my fault in the whole year and a half of owning it :(. It's not dented, just scratched. This is what started my headache for the day.
-AP came in to watch a calendar math lesson and my kids totally showed off their skills. I was a proud teacher. Headache started to drift off a bit.
-Principal came in to make Fairy Bread with us. Kids showed off Australia knowledge. Again, made me proud. Headache was completely gone.
-Dropped off kids for specials and then reality set in... I scratched my car this morning. Headache set in yet again.
-Popcorn party for Stepping Stones! We get this because we have 30+ (43 to be exact!). Headache drifting yet again. This thing came in major waves.
-Went to lunch and EVERY student plugged in their number. I have 2nd graders and some 5th graders don't know it. I can officially say every student in my class has mastered it. The cafeteria manager was so excited she gave my whole class cookies. This is a BIG deal! I'm feeling pretty good... happy kids=happy head.
-5th grade reading buddies came to watch an educational movie with us. Seeing the excitement on both faces makes my heart smile. Day ends with a good head.
-Starbucks to revive myself.
-Swam in the Great Barrier Reef while acting like a kid with Meghan. Major energy booster!! Carefree head.
-Car ride home... it hit me -->I'm tired, stressed, and I miss my friends and family.
-9:00 I realized--wait a second? I haven't eaten hardly any substantial food today... must run through drive-thru at Chick Fil A. I asked if I could buy all of the "If You Give A______" series from their kids meal collection. I racked in FIVE of them for 1 buck each! SCORE. Funniest thing about it? I'm paying and the cashier goes, "Wow. Do you babysit a lot or something?" I said, "I do, but actually I'm a teacher." Her eyes got wide and she said, "I'm sorry you just look really young to be a teacher." Haha... I get that all the time.
-Watching tv with Linds, blogging, nom noming on my CFA.... can't wait to climb in bed! Sweet dreams people.
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