Surprise! I got a new student today. This brings me to 24 kids. It's becoming a very long line in the hallway :). I feel very lucky though because all of the kids are SO sweet!
Something cool? Well, I haven't heard from a lot of my parents for conferences that start on Monday. 21 out of the 24 speak Spanish. Yeah, kind of difficult because I don't want to bother people over and over to help me translate. I decided today that I would let my 7 years of Spanish in middle/high/college help me out as much as I could. I successfully got through FOUR phone calls in Spanish AND we have conferences scheduled! AMAZING!!!!!!!
Gonna watch Dancing with the Stars along with figuring out school stuff. Working out just isn't going to happen today. It's okay though--there's always tomorrow.
Check out Lindsey's dog, Ottie. He has a lot of patience. He has come to the point of literally waiting for me to throw his toy instead of attacking my hand. That's a good boy! Lindsey calls him a "distinguished gentleman" when he sits up so straight. Adorable!
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