Day started off getting observed. She was supposed to come at 8:15, but she walks in at 8:00. "Sorry, I'm early!". That's of course what you want to hear on a Monday morning when you're trying to run around. Hehe... but really... it was fine! She was in there for a good solid hour. She got to see me go over morning work, calendar math, and social studies. It felt pretty good. It's weird how observations aren't as scary anymore. Even though this was planned, I still wasn't super nervous. It also helped that she was very smiley and happy in the back. She got a kick out of some of the kids responses.
Funny story... kinda. After my long morning, I couldn't wait to gather my thoughts, get things copied, etc. during specials. As I am walking my kids to specials, I realize "OMG. I don't have specials today!" Don't worry, we didn't even get through the door. My kids probably thought I was nuts. Luckily though, we finished stuff that needed to be finished. Maybe tomorrow my head will be on a little bit straighter than it was today.
Worked out with Josh then went to dinner with a bunch of my friends for Katie and Brittany's birthday. The majority of the time spent at dinner was with everyone but them. Katie had grad school and didn't get out till later. Brittany was on the phone with her boyfriend that is currently in the UK. He was in a head on collision tonight :(. He is okay, but sadly the other person didn't make it. Please keep everyone in your prayers. I cannot even imagine how that may feel!
On my way home after hearing about James (Brittany's bf) and the accident, I heard one of my favorite Christian songs called I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me. I just started crying. It overwhelmed me just thinking about all they must feel. It makes me feel guilty for being so lame recently. So many people have it so much harder than me. I am going to work on this. I had a serious reality check tonight.
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel?
Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still?
Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine
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