Sunday, October 31, 2010
Day 265
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Day 264

All of you that work at my school just be glad I realized something before I whipped out my phone to call you with my deepest apologies. I wake up and immediately panic. I thought today was Friday!! I spring out of bed and run to turn the shower on. As I am frantically running around, I run into the kitchen to see that it's 7:35. OMG! I am already supposed to be at school. I dash to check my phone and notice that no one from school called to see where I was. Something clicked and I realized WoW, it's Saturday. I was awake by this point so I decided to do laundry. Once I put a load of clothes in, I decided to crawl back in bed. I giggled to myself then fell back asleep. PHEW... crazy morning.
Today was very productive.... laundry, cleaned my room, cleaned the kitchen, went to the bank (where I had a run in with a banker with a poor attitude), and picked up some last minute things for tonight--I bought ADORABLE boots! Currently, I am rounding up my belongings while watching the lame Georgia game. Hopefully they can get it together soon. Regardless, I am pumped for tonight!! :)
Friday, October 29, 2010
Day 263
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Day 262

Long day. School then babysat. Thank goodness for one of my old bffs Kacie. Her phone call kept me awake on my ride home tonight when I felt like I was going to fall asleep at the wheel. I haven't seen her in FOREVER, but luckily I get to see her all day Saturday! yipppppyyyyy. We definitely know how to have fun together! I dedicate my post to you Kaceface.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
LJ, Ottie, and our gurrrrl Rihanna
Ottie hates it when Lindsey does things like this. It's hilarious.
Day 261

Pretty awesome day...
-I got to dress pretty crazy today for Red Ribbon Week.
-My cheerleading practice went extremely well. I enjoy working with these girls.
-I baked two cakes for my class tomorrow. We've been reading a story about a couple of animals that bake a cake. Tomorrow we are "baking" a cake like Hedgehog and friends did. AKA I am having the kids mix the ingredients then magically the cakes I baked tonight will appear. It's a good thing we have ovens at school to do the hard work during specials for us :).
-I love roommate nights with LJ. Especially when we belt out Rihanna and kitchen utensils are our mics!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Best friend.
Day 260

Realizations from today... October 26, 2010.
-I have the cutest class on the planet. They had to make slogans and illustrate them for Red Ribbon Week. All of them were so cute. Here are a few that stick out to me
-->"Drugs are nasty."
-->"Say BOOOOOO to drugs."
-->"No way drug man."
-->"I like myself because I don't do drugs."
-->"No you fool, drugs drool."
-->"Throw those drugs in the can."
-I need surgery on both my feet. I've gone long enough with severe cramps in my feet and ridiculous bunions from oh so many years of pointe/ballet. This will be my fourth serious surgery of my life and I'm only 25. Sadness.
-I am in revamping mode right now in my classroom. It's nerve racking/exciting!
-I can only do 57 sit ups (not crunches) in two minutes. I beat the guy next to me by 11. However, the girl next to me did 82. LAME. Won't be surprised if I can't move tomorrow.
That's all folks. Sweet dreams <3
Monday, October 25, 2010
Day 259
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Day 258

Love Sundays. Absolutely love them! Woke up around 12 with the intent of going to church... oops. There's always next week! Being "mom" makes me sleepy. Took Kelee on a walk. The houses in my cousin's neighborhood are ginormous. It was fun looking at all of them. I went to Kroger to buy food for my class. I actually ran into a teacher I work with. Kind of random. We're making food maps for the different regions of Georgia. I couldn't help but buy pumpkins for the girls and I to carve. I come to find out that neither of them have EVER carved a pumpkin in their whole 14 years of living here on Earth. They were so cute.... just like little kiddos!! Adorable :) After that, I went to my Sunday step class with Scott... the one that calls me "Woodstock". He's so hyper and awesome. LOVE it. When I got back I took the girls out to sushi. Yummmmmmm! It's my last night on the job. I am totally exhausted, but had a fabulous time.
A brand new week is ahead of me. I look forward to what it brings :) Good night loves <3
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Day 257

Good evening people!
Today was absolutely such a delight. I woke up at 12pm! WOW. I can't remember the last time I did that. Get this... the kids weren't even up yet either! I had to wake up all 3 of them.... one 16 year old and two 14 year olds.... lazy bums. Once I got the lazy bunch up, we made lunch then I dropped the girls off at the mall for a birthday party. I couldn't resist so I went inside to browse the stores. I didn't buy anything.... yet. After this, I went home to my apartment because I was so close. I cleaned up our apartment (no comment) then took Ottie out to help Lindsey. I love that little baby as if he were my own. I'm a bad auntie because a lady came over to us and Ottie playfully jumped on her and got mud ALL over her shirt. She was so sweet... "Oh, it's okay I need to wash this shirt anyways". Let me point out the shirt was a nice, nice, nice sweater that was clearly clean. Ooops, I felt horrible for Ottie's actions. Guess there's not much I can do. I decided that I was going to get some exercise before I had to pick up the girls so I walked to a Life Is Good store and Barnes & Noble (my favorite!). No luck at Life Is Good, but I did luck out at B&N. I went to buy the "You Read to Me, I'll Read to You" series only. I walked out of there with 6 books. Ooppssssss! I have an addiction to buying books... especially children's books. I treated myself to a Robek's strawnana smoothie--my fav! The girls called me to tell me they were going to catch a ride with one of their friends to their haunted house they were going to so I was off the hook. I decided I'd go shopping a bit for my Halloween costume. I lucked out! I will be Pocahontas. I am so stoked! I'm going to a costume party next weekend that it will be perfect for! I found some adorable jewelry for it too. Now, just to find John Smith :). Just playing... or am I? I came back to my cousin's house to grade papers, blog, and watch the UGA game. GO DAWGS! I am waiting on the phone call to come pick up the girls from their haunted house that they were working at. I can't wait to see them considering I haven't seen them since 2:30 this afternoon. They're the little sissys I never had--it's fun! Kelee (the dog) and I are hanging low till the party arrives :) Speaking of parties.... I am missing 2 right now as we speak :(. Man, being a mom is hard work :)
Friday, October 22, 2010
Day 256

Today was one of my favs 30th birthday! Happy Birthday Meg! We went to On the Border after school to celebrate with her. After that, I went on a ghost tour with some people from school. It was neat to hear the history of the city of Roswell. I was reminded about Casper the friendly ghost from a friend. I will never forget my love I had for Devon Sawa.
Just call me "mom" this weekend. I'm staying with the twins and Gregory all weekend because my cousins are in New York for their anniversary. I love spending time with them! :) We have a lot of fun things planned.
Going to bed! Night :)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Day 255

I have a success story. I have a success story. I HAVE A SUCCESS STORY! I have a student this year that has come so far. I am not going to go into everything about her story, but all you need to know is she went from knowing 50/220 words at the end of first grade to knowing 209/220 as of today. Man, that felt good sharing that news today. I want to thank Dr. P for being supportive of me and encouraging me. :)
I feel silly for getting caught up in the little problems of life recently. I need to really pay more attention to the things that mean the most. I'm working on it... promise!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Day 254

Things that stick out to me today....
-Forgetting your lunch stinks
-I legit get sad to say bye to people
-I like throwing my laundry in the machine knowing it's about to be clean... I absolutely HATE organizing and folding it
-I could be a better aerobics instructor than the one that put me to sleep tonight
-I work with some awesome people... I can honestly say they're like family
-Working with 2nd graders and highschoolers in the same day is so opposite
-I totally ate french fries today... oops
-Watching people give their time to help others learn English gives me goose bumps
-Cashews are so much better unsalted (all nuts in general)
-SIOP has opened my eyes... I now teach with hand gestures on a regular basis (if you work at my school ask any of my kids to *show* you "mountain", "ridge", "river", "landform", "plateau", "plain", etc.... it's SO adorable! Thanks Meg!)
-Lazy people that don't do the work and ask others for it irritate me
Most of all...
-Comments like "I hope nothing ever happens to you because I love you to the moon and back" really make you thankful for your profession
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Day 253
Today was a busy, but good day...
1) Pumpkin Spice Latte and yogurt parfait from Starbucks for breakfast
2) SIOP... it went by super fast for some reason?
3) Got supplies and made a pretty awesome goodbye gift for someone
4) GRADES ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5) Got to know someone on a better level... I actually realized we have a lot in common, when I thought we had nothing much at all.
6) Went on a much needed walk with my roomie and her pup
7) Discovered Alon's for the first time... delicious gelato!!! Big pumpkins too!
8) DWTS with roomie
9) Giggled and acted like a 5 year old with roomie and pup
10) Bedtime in my big comfy sleigh bed ;).. speaking of sleighs... I can't wait for the holidays! Went to Cracker Barrel this weekend and everything was Christmas!!! AHHHHH
*This should have been in my post last night, but I finally finalized my Halloween plans!!! EEEEEK :) Now.. what to be?
Monday, October 18, 2010
Day 252
Hmmm... long day. It's now 10pm and I just got home. I wish I could elaborate on my day, but it just ain't gonna happen....
-Cheerleading meeting with parents and cheerleaders (round of applause for me I might add)
-School again to finish up sub plans
-Pumpkin carving party with some of my besties
-DWTS with Laura (& technically Lindsey, but she was asleep the whole time)
Fail of the night? Not making it to Josh's class. Next week. Next week.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Night Night Betty White
This is one of the many reasons why I love kids.
This is one of the many reasons why I love kids.
Day 252
Day 251
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Day 249

Stayed at school till 7:15PM. I haven't walked out from the building when it was getting dark out in a long time. I got a lot done. I even got a pep talk from one of my mentors. He pumped me up and made me realize many things...
1) I am a grown up now.
2) I actually am doing some good for the children when I may not feel as though I am.
3) I drive a Lexus. haha :)
4) I need to refrain from asking people to "hold my hand" because I do have some knowledge about this stuff on my own.
5) Prioritize... don't put out all the "fires" at once.
6) It's 7:15PM... GO HOME!! Wait a sec, you were there at that same time TOO!
Thanks Dr. P! You're the best!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Day 248
Lindsey's dog Ottie is kind of special. He just found his tail :). What made it that much better? He had a room full of girls laughing at him! Haha... so precious!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Day 247

One of those days again. I'm not going to be a Debbie Downer on my blog because that's not the point of my blog. Let's just say today was a bit of the stressful day. I'm on my way home around 6:30 and I'm listening to 104.7 the fish. It's a Christian music station that I listen to on a regular basis. Of course, I switch in and out for my love of pop/rock/country/or rap. Today, I felt as though I needed guidance and thought maybe they might throw out a Bible verse or song that meant something special to me/I could relate to my life. I'm about to turn into my complex and the radio guy came on and said "Have you had a day recently where everything seems to not go the way you wanted it to?" He then lead into the song.... it's called "Everything Falls" by Fee. I listened to it and thought it was something I needed to hear. It talked about when everything around you falls apart and you are weak, He is there to keep you strong. I need to always remember this.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Day 246

Hola mis amigos! Mi llamo Ms. Wexler y yo hablo espanol hoy! Haha... I realize my Spanish is a bit off, but I survived today! I had 21 conferences today. 21!! Only one of them did not show up. I had translators for most of them, but there were about 5 or 6 where I spoke Spanish the entire time. One mother felt so comfortable with me speaking Spanish to her that she spoke ALL Spanish to me! It took a bit of time to soak up the Spanish and understand all that she was saying, but I took it in then responded back to her. I know she truly understood everything I said. HUGE accomplishment! I've been practicing for a few weeks now :) I was told so many times "God Bless You" and "Thank you for your caring and love of my child." My heart smiled a lot of times today.
My day did not start off with conferences. Oh no. My day started off with taking my car to be serviced for my 30,000 mile check up. Let's just say I would have been better off giving an arm and a leg. Oh. Em. Gee. I guess I just need to get used to it (being an adult and all), but major major Eeeeek. Then, I went to school for conferences. After my 21 conferences, I went to pick up my car (and of course pay the bill). I somehow managed to get to the gym in time for Josh's class. He was on absolute fire tonight. He cracks me up! I made dinner for myself and now I'm watching DWTS with Laura. I am so close to going to bed though. I am overly exhausted... a combo of waking up at the crack of dawn, sitting through 21 conferences, forking out money for my sweet car, and working out like a rockstar. I am doneski. Peace loves!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Day 245

HAPPY 10-10-10!!!!! Sunday. How I love Sundays. Woke up from an awesome night. Went to Amichi for lunch with the girls. Went shopping at boutiques in downtown Athens. Attempted working out at a step class. Realized that Scott wasn't there and it was a sub. Immediately left step. Decided Trader Joes was calling my name. Shopped till I dropped--favorite purchase? Toss up between three items: pumpkin butter, pumpkin cream cheese, or tzatziki. I almost even bought a few pumpkins. I love fall! Remembered that I hadn't worked out yet so I attempted the workout room at my complex. On my way I saw a cute door decoration and it got me excited for Halloween. Got bored on the machines because I'm spoiled with amazing classes throughout the week. Walked to Target and back. Overall, LAME workout! I did go up and down 5 flights of stairs three times over the course of my night. Does that count? Anywho, spending the rest of my night trying out some of my new food, watching the Braves game, cleaning my room, and getting last minute things ready for tomorrow :)
Day 244
Missed Saturday... my apologies. Let's just say that this weekend was the cure to my mood over the last week or so. I finally got to hang out with my best friends. I finally got to be social. I finally got to be in my home--ATHENS! I finally got to wear red and black. I finally got to see my DAWGIES beat the Vols. I finally got to see friends I haven't seen since college. I finally got to go inside a game this season. Overall, it was amazing!!!
Pics- a sea of orange and red & my roomie and I representin' our teams :)
Friday, October 8, 2010
Day 243

My day first started off on the right foot when I decided Chick Fil A was necessary. Then, I walked into my classroom and spotted something creative and sneaky. SOMEONE who cheers for the team I'm against this weekend... placed an orange balloon on my whiteboard stand. Out of all of the clutter in my room, it was the first thing I noticed and I immediately blamed this person. Clever. Very clever. The mood was set for the day... it was going to be goofy and fun :) How lucky am I to work in an environment where we can step back and act silly a little bit? Pretty darn lucky. Especially because this person calls the shots. It was definitely that and also productive. I planned on napping before I need to pack and get ready for my trip, but that's totally not happening. I'm too excited. FINALLY, I feel as though I can socialize with friends and step away from work for a few hours... 48 hours. I'm ready for conferences on Monday, which alleviates stress as well. Now all I gotta do is keep practicing my Spanish because translators are limited. My best friend Lauren double majored in college and one of her majors was Spanish. She also spent a summer in Spain when we were in college. I told her that she can only talk to me in Spanish this weekend to prep me for Monday. We shall see how this goes :)
Now.... on to Athens.... where the Bulldawgs are going to "play". GO DAWGS!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Day 242
Today was a much better day! I got some things done that needed to get done. I made some phone calls/emails that were stressing me out--all ended up okay in the end. Thank goodness for understanding people with patience. I have a hard time dealing with stress that is completely out of my control, but somehow makes me look like the bad guy. Anywho, all is well! Yay!
Good things that happened today:
-Meg taught me more Espanol in preparation for my conferences on Monday (muahahaha)
-I babysat and was rewarded nicely... event though I showed up 30 min late due to traffic! She is super into learning about the Bible and all of the stories that go along with it. It gives me chills!
-I watched the little girl I babysit get so excited about losing her tooth... we put it under her pillow in hopes of the Tooth Fairy coming tonight. Presh!
-I giggled for real... finally.... when my friend wiped out on the slippery floor, when a friend reminisced about old text messages that we had, when the quietest kid in my class shouted out a funny remark to a story, when I free drew a hand on construction paper for our school's float and it turned out looking like a catcher's glove...
-I made my Athens trip official with my best friends! Athens till Sunday!! Go Dawgs! :)
-I FOUND MY KEYS TONIGHT!!!!!!!!! They have been missing for 1 1/2 years! We thought the 3 year old at the time next door stole them and hid them. Now my mom and I feel guilty for accusing him. They were in my computer bag in a hidden zipper. How they ended up there the world may never know. The loss of those stupid keys cost me lots of money. Kind of annoying, but in a way funny... I got a little chuckle out it.
*Realization: It's the Georgia/Tennessee weekend. One year ago I had one of the scariest things ever happen to me. Even though I use my blog to vent at times, I am so thankful for everything that has happened since then... including my support system of friends and family :) I heart you all!!!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Day 241
One of these days again where reality sets in. I've realized how many things are expected of me. I've realized how many things I've taken to my work load. I've realized having a social life is pretty difficult right now. I've realized staying happy is almost an effort and doesn't happen naturally at the moment like it used to. Sometimes I wonder... am I really cut out for all of this? Can I truly handle everything I'm given?
Isn't he cute? I'm trying to stay positive. Really, really, really trying!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Day 240
Surprise! I got a new student today. This brings me to 24 kids. It's becoming a very long line in the hallway :). I feel very lucky though because all of the kids are SO sweet!
Something cool? Well, I haven't heard from a lot of my parents for conferences that start on Monday. 21 out of the 24 speak Spanish. Yeah, kind of difficult because I don't want to bother people over and over to help me translate. I decided today that I would let my 7 years of Spanish in middle/high/college help me out as much as I could. I successfully got through FOUR phone calls in Spanish AND we have conferences scheduled! AMAZING!!!!!!!
Gonna watch Dancing with the Stars along with figuring out school stuff. Working out just isn't going to happen today. It's okay though--there's always tomorrow.
Check out Lindsey's dog, Ottie. He has a lot of patience. He has come to the point of literally waiting for me to throw his toy instead of attacking my hand. That's a good boy! Lindsey calls him a "distinguished gentleman" when he sits up so straight. Adorable!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Day 239

Day started off getting observed. She was supposed to come at 8:15, but she walks in at 8:00. "Sorry, I'm early!". That's of course what you want to hear on a Monday morning when you're trying to run around. Hehe... but really... it was fine! She was in there for a good solid hour. She got to see me go over morning work, calendar math, and social studies. It felt pretty good. It's weird how observations aren't as scary anymore. Even though this was planned, I still wasn't super nervous. It also helped that she was very smiley and happy in the back. She got a kick out of some of the kids responses.
Funny story... kinda. After my long morning, I couldn't wait to gather my thoughts, get things copied, etc. during specials. As I am walking my kids to specials, I realize "OMG. I don't have specials today!" Don't worry, we didn't even get through the door. My kids probably thought I was nuts. Luckily though, we finished stuff that needed to be finished. Maybe tomorrow my head will be on a little bit straighter than it was today.
Worked out with Josh then went to dinner with a bunch of my friends for Katie and Brittany's birthday. The majority of the time spent at dinner was with everyone but them. Katie had grad school and didn't get out till later. Brittany was on the phone with her boyfriend that is currently in the UK. He was in a head on collision tonight :(. He is okay, but sadly the other person didn't make it. Please keep everyone in your prayers. I cannot even imagine how that may feel!
On my way home after hearing about James (Brittany's bf) and the accident, I heard one of my favorite Christian songs called I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me. I just started crying. It overwhelmed me just thinking about all they must feel. It makes me feel guilty for being so lame recently. So many people have it so much harder than me. I am going to work on this. I had a serious reality check tonight.
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel?
Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still?
Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Day 238
Same ole Sunday... graded papers, worked out, ate dinner with LJ--except this time Vazquez came too! We went to Cheeseburger In Paradise! It was delicious! Oh yeah, I also went to the mall. Embarrassing story, so I get to the counter to pay and my card declines. I ended up paying with a check. I called my bank to see what the issue was and it turns out they put my account on hold because of weird activity. She said, "M'am, we put your account on hold because of a total of 176 dollars at Kroger, was this you or should we further investigate?" At first, I thought I had been robbed then I realized what happened... it was definitely me! HAHA. What it should have said was Pharmacy! I was thinking along the lines of groceries. If I ever spend that much money on groceries for me being 1 person I want someone to say something to me that I have a problem! All is well now--thank goodness!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
105 points on ONE WORD!
Day 237

Woke up with a fever of 101 in the middle of the night. Luckily, it had gone down to normal by this morning. Phew! I actually do feel better, which is great. I plan on spending the day relaxing, watching movies, and doing a lot of nothing! Getting a lot of work done would be ideal... hopefully, that'll happen too!
Happy Saturday!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Day 236
Highlights of today (the good, the bad, and the ugly):
-Started my morning off running my car into a pole in my parking garage. First thing that's happened because of my fault in the whole year and a half of owning it :(. It's not dented, just scratched. This is what started my headache for the day.
-AP came in to watch a calendar math lesson and my kids totally showed off their skills. I was a proud teacher. Headache started to drift off a bit.
-Principal came in to make Fairy Bread with us. Kids showed off Australia knowledge. Again, made me proud. Headache was completely gone.
-Dropped off kids for specials and then reality set in... I scratched my car this morning. Headache set in yet again.
-Popcorn party for Stepping Stones! We get this because we have 30+ (43 to be exact!). Headache drifting yet again. This thing came in major waves.
-Went to lunch and EVERY student plugged in their number. I have 2nd graders and some 5th graders don't know it. I can officially say every student in my class has mastered it. The cafeteria manager was so excited she gave my whole class cookies. This is a BIG deal! I'm feeling pretty good... happy kids=happy head.
-5th grade reading buddies came to watch an educational movie with us. Seeing the excitement on both faces makes my heart smile. Day ends with a good head.
-Starbucks to revive myself.
-Swam in the Great Barrier Reef while acting like a kid with Meghan. Major energy booster!! Carefree head.
-Car ride home... it hit me -->I'm tired, stressed, and I miss my friends and family.
-9:00 I realized--wait a second? I haven't eaten hardly any substantial food today... must run through drive-thru at Chick Fil A. I asked if I could buy all of the "If You Give A______" series from their kids meal collection. I racked in FIVE of them for 1 buck each! SCORE. Funniest thing about it? I'm paying and the cashier goes, "Wow. Do you babysit a lot or something?" I said, "I do, but actually I'm a teacher." Her eyes got wide and she said, "I'm sorry you just look really young to be a teacher." Haha... I get that all the time.
-Watching tv with Linds, blogging, nom noming on my CFA.... can't wait to climb in bed! Sweet dreams people.
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