I received some upsetting emails, texts, and phone calls today. SO many of my teacher friends have been "let go" by their school systems this week. I know I should be super excited for myself that I have a job for next year, but it is SO hard to be happy when everyone around me is hurting. I have been on the phone with anyone and everyone I know to try and help people out. I know that right now times are difficult, but hopefully I can at least help others put their foot in doors. I pray that everything becomes better soon.
No picture today... so I decided I'd show the reason why I wanted to be a teacher. Meet Mrs. Bodeep. She was my teacher I had for 1st and 3rd grade. If it weren't for her, I'd probably still be the shy child I was before her. She made such an influence in my life. She came to my dance recitals. She came to my nutcrackers. She came to my softball games. She had our class sleepover (probably can't do that today.. haha). She would let me call her if I needed anything--I was a worrier back then too! She let me show off my tumbling during story time :). She was in my eyes... an amazing teacher! I can only hope that I will be that teacher to a child or children. I guess I am meant to be in this profession if I am still left standing with a job. And you know what she still does... she still checks on me... this picture was taken one of the many days she has visited my classroom at Mimosa. Thank you Mrs. Bodeep for being SO amazing to me! I love you :)
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