I signed my contract today!!! WOOHOOO.... other than that.... nothing out of the ordinary happened today. I went to kickboxing AND step. It has been a few weeks since I've done them back to back... oh wow. I almost fell over, but I survived.
To make for an interesting blog... let me babble about two pics I found on my computer tonight.
Picture 1: SENIOR YEAR AT UGA. I remember this night clearly! I was driving my friends and I to downtown in Athens. A man with a woman (not scary looking, no worries) came over to my friends and I asking for directions. We gave him directions and afterward... he just stood there and said... "You know what ladies. I really appreciate you helping me. Here! Take this and your first round is on me." What? 50 bucks! We were in complete shock! We just stood there with our mouths open and somehow managed to capture the moment. Needless to say... this went down in the books. The funniest thing about all of it is that we went to the Grill (late night food place) and used the money there :) haha!
Picture 2: Little Kailey and I. I worked at a Christian camp for underprivileged children the summer I turned 21 in Tybee Island. I absolutely loved working there. This was one of my favorite pics from the summer. I didn't know anyone took it until the banquet :). SO candid and SO sweet!
Hi pretty Michelle! Love both of these pictures, especially the one of you and the little girl. So sweet! It sounds like you're doing well, miss you!