Phew... I survived. I survived two plane rides and waking up at 4:00am (3:30am totally didn't happen!). When we got to LA, we went to In N Out.... delish. Then, we went to Venice Beach. We passed out for two hours. Much needed!! We had a craving for froyo so we went to the best place in LA, which is Yogurtland. If you ever come here, you should totally try it! Tonight we made our posters for American Idol tomorrow... check em out so you can look for us. The Nokia Theatre is massive so the chances of you seeing them are slim, but hey! there's always hope :) Tomorrow is the BIG day!!! Eeeeeeeekkkkkkk.
Make "DeWyze" choice & pick "Lee"
"Crystal" knocks our "Bowersox" off
Connie and Gary: Will you be my in-laws? (Ryan Seacrest's parents.... Katy is obsessed with him!)
That's all folks.
Love it! I'm looking for you right now!