Holy productive Saturday! Woke up at 9:30... shocking I know. Then, I went to the Johns Creek Scholastic Book Sale. LAME!!! I bought a few things, but it is nothing compared to the one in Kennesaw. After that, I went to Macy's to get a wedding gift for tonight. Nothing like last minute! I had Chick fil A in mind for lunch then I passed a place that my mom has been raving all week about. At her school they catered Honey Baked Ham.... apparently I haddddd to try the chicken salad since it is my favorite. I got it... and liked it. I've had better though :). Then, I dropped off some books at the Alpharetta Library and came home. I haven't had a workout today so I decided to just run to my neighborhood pool and back. Lame workout, but I think it's about a mile or so. Now, I'm blogging quickly so that I can jump in the shower and go to a wedding for a college friend tonight. It's going to be in beautiful historic Roswell. Hope everyone has a splendid night!
oh yeah, the picture. Kinda funny story. Lauren (my bff) texted me a picture of two ladies dancing saying that it was her at her radio Disney event for a bunch of Girl Scouts. Notttttt even 2 minutes later I pass Mickey on the side of the street. Why was he there? The world may never know.... SOOOOOO funny!
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