Today was fun! We went to the Braves game and then stayed for a Beach Boys concert afterward. So get this!! We are sitting in our awesome seats and I look to my right and notice a familiar man. I said, "Mom, isn't that a beach boy?" Sure enough, IT WAS!!! It was Mike Love... the lead singer. Well, my dad being the pushy man he is/gets anything he wants... somehow talked the people into letting our family get a picture with him. Unfortunately for me though, his stupid manager walked in front of JUST ME when the picture was taken. SOOOO lame. It's okay though because we chatted it up before and I have the memories :). haha. My dad also somehow managed to talk them into letting him go down on the field for the concert. He amazes me how he can do anything when he puts his mind to it.
Overall, fabulous day! I love Memorial Day. It is such a precious day to honor and remember the people who have fought for our freedom. Being at the Braves game made me feel so much pride for our soldiers and country!
Oh yeah.... BRAVES ARE #1 RIGHT NOW!!!! WOOHOO. Brings me back to elementary school when I had everything Braves! I memorized the line up. I had a Braves outfit I wore everyday (okay, probably once a week). I had tomahawk earrings. I went to all the games my parents would take me too. I loved it! I am so happy for them to finally be at the top again!