Late post... Great day at school! A few highlights...
Principal came to read to my class... they were so eager to tell her all of the things that we have been doing recently. I was quite the proud teacher! A few times I caught myself biting my tongue because I thought I was going to burst out with laughter. Kids say the funniest things. It's not very often she gets to come into a classroom just for fun so I was glad my class could provide that for her :)
We got to explore Cherokee Indian artifacts throughout the whole day. The kids could not stop talking about it. Every other sentence was a question or a comment pertaining to them. It was such a great teaching day because of this! It made my heart smile <3
We had our "house" meeting today where we taught them a "cheer/chant" that one of the teachers made up. It was SOOOO cute. The kids were so adorable doing it!
Babysat after school... I didn't realize how tired I was until the little girl went to bed. I went downstairs to watch tv and apparently fell asleep. I woke up to her parents waking me up :) Fail as a babysitter.... even though they encourage me to do that because they know how long my days are each day. Still though, super lame!
Long coaching day tomorrow... 3 games in a row! Night all!
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