Today was one of those days I could have lived without. I wasn't even going to blog because it would have not been my best post due to my reflection of the day in general.
Something just happened to me and I have to tell all of you about it. I'm eating my dinner while talking to both of my roommates and all of a sudden I realized I CAN'T BREATHE! I made a Chinese meal with chicken, rice, veggies, and (keyword) Chinese noodles. So, I'm talking, talking, and talking... and BAM!! I realize something in my throat will not swallow. I tried to swallow about two times when I realized this thing is NOT going down. All I remember is that I had one goal and it was to get whatever it was OUT! Lindsey said my face got bright red and was headed to a different color/I stopped talking in conversation. She said she was about to rush over to do the Heimlich when out FLEW a Chinese noodle.
Oh my goodness. My throat is still hurting from the strain I put it through. I hope I never have to go through that again. Not fun at all!
It's nice to know I have roommates that have my back at all times :) Thanks Lindsey and Laura!
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