In my opinion, it's so weird to start the week off on a Tuesday. I am attempting to give the same amount of work this week as if we were there on Monday. Let's see how that goes :)
In one of my meetings today, I said something that I immediately regretted. In a joking sort of way, I blurted this out: "I'm sorry if my stomach growls during the meeting. I didn't have time to eat breakfast today." I was being completely honest. I know how my tummy works and about 10:00 on a no breakfast day it goes crazy. I was fired back with comments such as...
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."
"Weren't you here before me? You could have totally stopped somewhere."
"Were you late or were you late for you?"
"Do you know how many fast food restaurants you passed on the way to school?"
"You should keep food in your classroom just in case."
All very, very, very kind comments. I'm glad my friends truly care about me enough to elaborate on and on why breakfast is so crucial. I get it. I get it. I get it. SO, what am I going to do about it, you ask? Well, after I worked out tonight, I went to the local grocery store and picked up a few items. My breakfast items include bagels, muffins, AND.... granola bars (the just in case breakfast that I'll leave in my desk). Sorry for the scare today everyone... I did survive though :)
I got the best email today from mama. My Georgia t-shirt quilt is FINALLY in. We took all of my t-shirts over to the lady's house this summer. She did a fabulous job from what I can tell. I am so excited to have it back! She made one for me with all of my childhood favorite t-shirts on it a while back. This is my big girl t-shirt quilt. However, I have a feeling we will be suckered into another in the future. As my mom was leaving her house the lady said, "You know I also do wedding quilts... we take the wedding dress and braidsmaid dresses and make a quilt." Hmmmm... I don't know if I want to curl up to beads or sequins, but the idea sounds cool :)
Tomorrow is a SUPER busy/packed day. A few meetings, a Dr. is coming in my classroom to run my reading groups while I watch/participate/learn from her & we're videotaping the whole hour... I hope the kids do well! eeeeek, SST, and the little girl I babysit is coming to visit me with her mom during math.
Think about me tomorrow... I'll need all the high spirits I can get :) As for now, I am off to write a narrative statement as to why they should pick ME to be ESOL endorsed. :)
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