Today was super productive. I graded papers, entered grades, then debated whether or not I should enter them online. Decided I was too tired after all that hard work so I said no way. Waited from mama to get home from Auburn so we could eat lunch. She brought home sandwiches for us. I only visited with her for like 20 minutes then I had to bolt out. I had to take my roommate to get her car, pick up paper towel rolls from two of my friends places (awesome friends!! it's for a class art project), and head to my new step class....
I was told this step teacher was pretty much a crazy fun time, but I don't think I truly believed all that he could be. WOW! First of all, let me tell you that I was warned by his nicknames last week, but I forgot about it today. My friend that usually goes says that he calls her "hair thingy" because she is always adjusting her hair during the workout. Of course, I wear my most obnoxious shirt today. It's my Salty Dog Cafe colorful tie dye shirt. I mean this thing is LOUD. Well, he was loving my shirt so much that he called me "Woodstock" the whole class. Like I mean the WHOLE class. "Woodstock, look at those moves." "Woodstock, this is our last song." So at the end of class, I told him "thanks" and that I had heard great things about his class. He asked me my name, but then proceeded to tell me that I look more like a "Woodstock" so there is no way I am getting out of this one. I like his quirky/smart remarks. I know I'll be returning, but I also know no one will fulfill my love for Josh! :)
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