Today was one of those days you walk out of the building and say to yourself... THIS IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT!!! "Ah ha" moments. Lightbulbs going off. You name it. It happened today! My student that moved from Mexico and speaks ZERO English not only said "Ms. Wexler" today, but also could count to 30!!! I didn't even know he could count to 10. Apparently while I was gone yesterday, it was the goal of a few girls in my class to help him learn the numbers before I came back today. I got chills and almost shed a few tears of joy! We did "surgery contractions". Let's just say they LOVED it and couldn't wait to be doctors again some other day! A child that usually sits back told me at the end of school... "Ms. Wexler, today was really fun!" My kids can count by hundreds, tens, then ones! LOVED everything about today!
Babysat when I got home for the sweetest little ones. Is it weird that I enjoy giving a baby a bottle? She was so cute when she held it by herself. One of the most precious things ever! After I put the baby to sleep, the three year old and I played with the iPad. However, he was more knowledgeable about it than I was. Kids are about to rule the world!!!
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