I have a question. When there is a ridiculous amount of traffic on the highway.... is it appropriate to pull over on the emergency lane to pass others then realize OH WAIT there actually is an accident ahead because police/ambulance sirens are behind me and now I'm blocking the one way that they can get to the scene? UGGHHHHHHHH. Some people are just clueless! I almost had a heart attack just watching some of the most inconsiderate people of Atlanta act the way they did today. Absolutely ridiculous.
In other news, I am super pumped for tomorrow. My mommy and grandmommy are coming to visit my class for the first time this year. Also, my friend Matt is coming to speak to my class about the country we are studying (Australia). EEEEEKKK! The kids are so excited about tomorrow. "Ms. Wexler, I can't wait for tomorrow. It'll be the best day of my life!" I love kids. Plain and simple. Good thing that's what my job is all about I suppose :)
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