Cheerleading tryouts are over. Yay. All the 7 coaches went to celebrate at On the Border after. It's nice to know next week will be not as crazy. Haha... I say that now. As I reflect, I realize that I am happy to be back next year if everything works out like I want it to. Last year, my squad did both JV Boys and Girls AND Freshman Boys and Girls. Talk about a million games! This year I will only be coaching JV and I am stoked about this. Above is a nice gift I received last year from Tiffany's... I wore it today and it reminds me that even though I may not act like it all of the time, I truly do enjoy it!
I am going to spend the rest of my night rewording a famous song (not saying which one... someone might steal it!) for our CRCT Pep Rally. Every grade level comes up with something cute for the pep rally like a song, dance, cheer, etc. to pump up the kids. We have the majority of it done... I am just adding the special touches and ideas. I can't wait to see how it comes out. I think it's gonna be good!!! I like to call it... "I'm Takin' the CRCT Today". This song will win awards so watch out. :)
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