After school, I met up with Michelle Rosenthal (my Gamma Phi Beta mama!) and her two adorable children. Connor and Bennett are precious and I have known them since they were tiny little babies. Connor amazes me with his reading skills.... he has been reading since he was 3 (now he is in 1st grade)!! When I used to babysit him in college, he could recite the entire alphabet backwards. Pure genius! I remember being so amazed by him that I wanted to bring him in for Show and Tell to my Reading courses. As you can see, he reads on his free time... ALL of the time. I hope my children are as smart and precious as these two boys!
As usual, I went to my classes at LA Fitness. Instead of going home after, I had to get some last minute things for the cheerleading banquet tomorrow. Totally bittersweet!
It has been fun to see you twice in one week! I'm glad I am your Gamma Phi mama...love it.