Here's an awkward story... Once I awoke from my sleep, I decided I'd go to LA Fitness. I ran 30 minutes and did the elliptical for 30 minutes. As I am "cooling down", I can see one of the trainers (gross muscle man dude) coming over to my direction. I am thinking I either broke the treadmill or he is going to the guy next to me. Nope, I was the victim. He told me that he had been watching me on all of the machines. UM... CREEP! He proceeded to then tell me how much of a better workout I could get from a trainer rather than using machines. I told him thanks, but that I didn't live in the area (LIE!) so I didn't want to commit to anything. He told me I looked like a "Buckhead girl". I said, "Well, yeah, I guess I am". THEN.... here's where it got awkward... he asked me on a date for this weekend! I can honestly say I've never been asked out at the gym. I flat out told him I wasn't interested. Haha. Ickkk. Big muscles gross me out!
I came home and giggled with my mom about how ridiculously awkward my life is. I didn't take a picture of anything today worthwhile so here is a picture of my favorite orange juice... pulp free of course!
Should have said yes, just for fun.