This blogger girl is about to come back on the scene... the blog scene that is. I have been hiding for wayyyy tooooo long. And I apologize. I didn't realize how many people actually read my blog until I get comments from them saying they want more! Well, peeps! It's coming... I swear.
This time next week (hopefully I'll already be asleep).... will be the night before the 1st day of school. What an exciting time in the life of a teacher, but most importantly... in the life of a student. Thoughts that run through those little minds... What's my teacher going to be like? Will he/she be nice? What am I going to wear? What will we be learning this year? What fun will we have? I wonder who is in my class that I know? I can't help them with the clothing part, but I CAN help them succeed and enjoy school. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO super stoked about this year.... wanna know why? I'll tell you why...
-4th year vet... yeah, can't believe it!
-New ideas... LOVE learning over the summer then bringing it to life! This year I have new reading strategies I plan on using (the "Beanie Baby" approach)
-Working with a fabulous teacher for science, social studies, and writing! This specific lady is probably the happiest/most positive person I've ever met. Her energy and love for life is addicting... don't be surprised if I am happy 24/7... she is AMAZING!
-I have 14 boys at the moment out of 21... at first... not gonna lie... I was a bit worried, but then I realized... HEY! These little ones were placed in your room for a reason. You were meant to be in their lives this year and help them grow. I could not be happier to meet these students!
-I'm going to be a WRITER! My dear friend Lola (yes, she hugged me last time I saw her, we're bffs) is helping us out become better writing teachers. I already have my artifacts board ready to go. Can't wait to see writing explode on the page! Bring it on.
-I'm headed to being ESOL endorsed! Every Wednesday night, I will be learning new ways to help the ESOL population (and everyone else) as a teacher. I look forward to the opportunity to learn more. Not to mention... if I pass the GACE, I could potentially be ESOL certified!
-I'm a mentor to our new 2nd grade teacher! I was honored that I was asked again to be a mentor. Not to mention... this girl rocks. We've already decided we heart each other tons! She called our friendship/mentor/mentee status: "A match made in heaven". Excited to help her out and show her the ropes of our school!
-I have visitors to watch ME run my classroom the first few weeks. A friend is coming to watch me day 1 and 2 then heading back to her masters work. Another is a girl I don't know yet, but I saw in an email I get to meet her tomorrow. She is with me for a few weeks. Pretty exciting. I would have LOVED in my student teaching life to have seen what the weeks before and during the first week looked like. It's like a dream of a prospective teacher.
-My volunteer Mrs. Kubis is coming back AGAIN!!!!!! This will be her 3rd year with me. I am tearing up writing this because it makes my heart smile that she devotes her Tuesdays and Thursdays to help my children in Reading and Writing. LOVE her soooo much!
-I get to learn how to use a standards based report card. I'll get back to you on this one... not sure my thoughts yet :)
-I know this might not mean anything to you non teachers, but I did it! I finally did it. I have been closely hoarding my kidney table for the past (going on) 4 years. I used it a lot my first year, but didn't much the rest due to having bigger groups that I meet with at two rectangular combined tables. This year I GAVE IT AWAY!!! I got the jackpot of landing a circular table in the place it. Pros: It's smaller and doesn't take up as much space. It is a good center area for the kids. I can take quick data at it. Cons: I haven't thought of any yet. SUPER stoked!
-BRIGHT LINK!!! I am one of the lucky ones that gets to experience the amazing technology in my classroom. A Bright Link is similar to a Smart Board, but apparently better. I've played around with it a lot and cannot wait to conduct lessons on it. However, one of the programs is not responding to my laptop correctly... our technology worker in our school is on it though to help me find a way to use it! Can't wait to blog about the Bright Link!! Shout out to my fabulous principal on that one... Thank you for working really hard to get this technology in our school! I appreciate your dedication to this and I know it will truly make a difference in teaching the kids... my excitement to start the year has definitely pumped up because of it!
Well, friends. It's almost midnight and I am awake. Hearing that blasted alarm at 5:30 is not going to be a delightful sound to my ears. I must hit the hay! Night night, much love! I've missed you ;-)
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