My tummy hurts! I try to do something nice for someone, but I hurt myself in the end. My sweet, sweet, sweet student intern is leaving tomorrow. I baked brownies for her... well, she gets to eat some of the brownies... I ate a couple spoonfuls of batter. Really Michelle? Since when was that even somewhat of a good idea? I suppose running 4 miles after it wasn't the best idea either. I lay here in pain, but I had such a fab day, I must share...
I got 2 assessments done for all of my students. Might I add I've had perfect attendance all 4 days this week? I could get used to this. I don't like it when a child is out. A) I miss them. B) It means make up work, which is more work for me.
The girl I mentor on our team has turned into a great friend. We have a lot in common and our personalities are different, but similar enough that we get along FABULOUSLY! We were teaching each other different techniques and strategies (yes, she is my mentor in return) after school today... something happened (can't really say bahaha) and literally we giggled to the point of tears. My picture tonight is dedicated to Tracie!
I'm HUGE on children understanding their good/bad choices they make. I've been having quick 1 on 1 meetings at the end of each day with them discussing their point totals. Seeing the joy in their faces when they know they've accomplished something is SOOO precious!
Principal told us today some sad news about school numbers, which results in the loss of a teacher. She asked us if anyone wanted to go to a different school... I immediately got this sick/ "I don't want to volunteer" feeling in my stomach. I love that place too much to leave. My heart hurts for whoever has to put the effort of the move though!
I leave you tonight at 9:30... the earliest I've gone to bed all week. And might I add, I got home today at 5:30ish. A whole hour/hour and a half earlier than each day this week. GO ME!
Night, love y'all
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