Endless tailgating memories... the other girl is Jessica... her twin!

Lauren and I today... love her!
What a fabulous weekend. On Friday, Lindsey, her two friends, and I went to eat at this place by our place. Every time we pass by it on our long walks we each find ourselves a bit on the hungry side. It always smells amazing. Well, it was in fact fabulous! I had a salad and I am pretty sure it was the best salad I've ever had in my life. It was spinach leaves, 6 oz. grilled chicken, goat cheese (weird I know), tomatoes, crushed up pieces of bacon, and balsamic dressing. Can I go back?
Saturday was a bit out of the ordinary. I went to school. On a Saturday. When I didn't have to be there. Let's just say... some things are better done by yourself than others. Well, all is well now in the classroom. I just never want to see another flash card in my life. That's all :) Enjoyed a Chick-Fil-A biscuit with one of my favorites AND I did my annual eval. SOOOO.... all in all, great experience. Oh yeah, pretty funny... I have quite a few kids that go to a program on a few Saturdays. When they saw me, they just couldn't believe it. You would have thought we were on a different continent in a different country. It was hilarious :) "Did you finish the flash cards??" I told them yes... It was clear that they can't wait to have them. What they don't know is that I can't wait for them to have them more :) I need to part from them immediately! I babysat little Lea for about 5 hours. She is such a sweet girl. She completely dominated me in Wii Bowling and Wii Tennis. So fun... I plan on brushing up on my skills. Driving home was not super fun... severe thunderstorms/crazy drivers are not a great combo.
Sunday was such a glorious day... one of my good friends from college was in town this weekend. I haven't seen her in about 4 years!! I picked her up around 9:30 and we went to one of my FAVORITES for brunch. West Egg is where it's at. Absolutely delish. Nothing like a fried egg sandwich, grits, and a cappuccino to start off your morning. We continued our party to IKEA where I blew some money. Not on myself. Not on my family. On my classroom of course. I have a problem. I need to join the OCCBA (Obsessive Compulsive Classroom Buyers Association). For real. It's sick. I am pretty sure normal people don't walk out of IKEA with finger puppets, treasure chests, and numbered/colored baskets. I have a problem and I know it. After that, we went to Atlantic Station. We only limited ourselves to two stores... Z Gallerie and H&M. No comment on damage, BUT I will say I bought some fabulously smelling decor for my room... it's an arrangement of items that will look adorable in a glass vase or bowl. AND it's the same colors as my bedroom... blues, browns, and whites. Loves it! I dropped off Lauren and mingled with her older sister that I LOVE. Ahh, reminded me so much of college good times. Stopped at Ritas on the way home... can't say no to some Italian Ice... decided I wanted cotton candy flavored in the kids cup. I'm truly 25 (and not 7) I swear.
I had intentions to go to church and step tonight, but clearly that didn't happen... I fell asleep. Here I am... procrastinating putting grades in. Once I get my life together I think a nice treadmill run sounds fab.
Hope everyone has a BLESSED week. California in only a few days!! EEEEEKKKKKKKK :)
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