Happy WRAD... Writing and Reading All Day! It was a fabulous day! Here were some of the highlights...
*Mrs. Bodeep came to read to my class. She was my first AND third grade teacher. I heart her with all of my heart. She brought me Girl Scout cookies. Anyone hungry? She told my class about how shy I used to be and of course the kids couldn't believe it. "Ms. Wexler is such a silly goose and she's loud. You're lying!" It was cute! She exposed them to the importance of newspapers, magazines, and we made up a story together... she had all of the boys and I had all of the girls. We would add on and on till it was time for her to leave. We also did a cute reading from the Free To Be You and Me book.
*We did book buddies with a 4th grade class AND a 5th grade class. It's so cute to see them interact.
*The kids got to go pick 4 books each that were donated to the school. It was so sweet to watch them pick them out!
*I visited my friend in Pre-K. She has a bunch with lots of personalities. It was fun to hang out with them during my break. I am so glad she had a great first WRAD! She's like my little sister at school due to the fact I've known her for forever! <3
*We wrote a class book and illustrated the pages. I'm excited to bind it together! I'll post pictures when I'm done.
*A policeman came by to read a story. Of course, they were curious about all of his weapons. Not gonna lie, I was too! :) "Ms. Wexler, policemans can read too?"
*Previous principal came by to say hi in her Cat in the Hat costume... we performed our house cheer for her. They were so proud to show it to her. They all told her how much they missed her! I did too!!!!
*New principal came by to say hi as well. She came in as we were playing with a puppy. The owner let all of the kids hold the puppy. Fun for the kids, but I'm pretty sure the puppy was over it by that point.
And that folks was WRAD. A day full of endless fun!
I came home to realize that my brother was dropping off more Girl Scout cookies from my mom. So... as I said before, anyone hungry?
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