Linds and I went to school to work on our classrooms for a little while before Six Flags. So get this... I'm working and all of a sudden I get a text message from our friend Ashley to call her asap. She told me that the ticket expired on August 8th--no exceptions and no extensions. Hmmm, well the type of person I am wants to call just to make sureeeee... so I did. I was on hold with Six Flags for 30 minutes--speaker phone style while I moved heavy classroom furniture. Basically, I was shut down for a few reasons... 1) Yes, the pass is good up until August 8th. 2) Six Flags is currently closed during the week and only open on the weekends. 3) This is my favorite-- I asked the lady if it would be possible to use it on the weekend and she said, "M'am, please read the ticket. NO exceptions and NO extensions." OKAY... thanks m'am! We did kind of giggle about the situation, but not gonna lie... very disappointed that we didn't get to go. I love me some roller coasters!! So instead of Six Flags, we went to the pool and soaked the rays in the sky above. After that, we went to target and got some school stuff. Then, I decided that I was going to "step" out of my comfort zone and do another workout class besides my step classes and kickboxing classes. I did BOOT CAMP!!! I've taken it before, but it has definitely been a while. It was 20 minutes of straight running, 30 minutes of stations with various activities, 10 more minutes of straight running, then the rest of the class was abs. Holy I'm gonna be achy tomorrow. I am going to bed early so I can get up early to work on my classroom again! <3 you all
Pic: I backed in my car tonight in our ridic small parking lot. I always drive to the one with more space, but tonight I conquered my fear. My car is too precious to hurt so I have to be super careful! I know you're proud mama :)
ps- thanks for reading my blog... so many of you comment about my life and what I'm doing because you keep up with me. First it started out as a goal to finish this in a year. Now I truly enjoy it whether it's for just me to vent, celebrate, or inform those I don't see all too often. Regardless, thanks!
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