The frog
The prince
For my birthday, Waller bought me this amazing gift. You drown the frog in cold water and magically it transforms into a handsome prince. BUT WAIT~THERE'S MORE!!!! I have to wait 72 more hours and apparently he grows to be life size (haha jk!), but really... he is supposed to grow as big as the cup he is chillin' in. This is truly like a fairytale! To be continued....
LJ and I were extremely productive today. We cleaned our rooms and organized our belongings. I worked out and came back to Laura making dinner for all of us! It was amazing... :) I was introduced to that show called "Pretty Little Liars". It is basically for teenagers, but I was instantly addicted. Dang, one more thing that I have to do every week.
hahahahaha...I love it!