Notice a resemblance? My roommate thought it would be a good idea to put a water bottle on the bottom of the dishwasher. Here is proof ladies and gents that it WILL melt. However, we are willing to price this for a pretty penny... it could easily now be used for a baby bottle. At least she's pretty. We all got a huge kick of this. haha. ;)
Today was interesting. I had a half day due to a trip to the doc. I am doing much better since the last visit. She was thrilled with my progress that I can actually eat food normally now... I won't go in depth, but basically food was my enemy for a while. :( She wants me to stay on my meds for another month then take myself off of them. If I start the probs of food hating me again then I have to get more tests done... this time with a scope!! AHHHH. Pray for me because I can't handle all of these doc trips and worrying about my body.
I had a good workout class tonight at Boot Camp until.... my instructor totally called me out in front of the whole class for leaving early. "You're not going to stay for calf raises?" I told her I had to be somewhere which was kind of true... the roomies and I were making dinner together and I didn't want to be late. I thought it was kind of rude to call me out like that in front of a class of 20ish people.
Meg, I'm sorry I had an "attitude" this morning. Too bad I can't bribe your friendship back with Starbucks. A boring lemonade will have to do next time :).
UGA football... 4 days. This is too funny... just have to post. I was talking to my friend Hunter (been to every game except two for the past 9 yrs) on gchat tonight. I was asking him if he had tickets to a game for UGA and he responded with this...
Hunter: of course i'll let you know about tickets. you love football more than some of my guy friends so you'd be first on the list
Yes, it's true. UGA football is my passion. GO DAWGS!