HAPPY SATURDAY!! I feel sooooooo much better. Not 100%, but I'm headed there. Woke up around 10am and decided I'd hit the heat for a workout. Wow, was I in for it or what!! It was blaaazzzzziiinnnngg hot. A lady working out in her yard asked me how I was doing it in this heat. Barely woman, barely! I thought I would never get back home. It was well over 100 degrees today and I felt it. I felt great once I got some water in me.
After my must needed shower, I ate some lunch then went to run some errands. Bought a few gifts (weddings & thank yous) for people at Bed, Bath, & Beyond. This specific location was in the Avenues at East Cobb... aka a lot of stores. I couldn't help but go in a few of them and spend some money on myself :) It's okay every once in a while, right?
I've been packing/organizing my life tonight. 1 more day till I move to my new place with LJ and Laura!! Eeeeek.
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