Had a blast last night!!! I love my friends. They are seriously the greatest ever. Woke up then went to Panera with my favorite sissys Steph and Cat. After that, I came home and got some things done.... I actually did some school stuff prep for next year. I know. Crazy. I leave for Lindsey's lake house tomorrow after I run the Peachtree. I realized tonight that I am about to be out of my pills and that they probably wouldn't be open tomorrow. I quickly called and raced over to the Kroger pharmacy. Luckily, I made it in time. The pharmacist seriously dealt with some ridiculous people. When he rang up my pills, he said it would be $198. What the??? My pills are max $90. Something is clearly wrong so he advised that I call my insurance company to see what was going on. He told me he was going to see what he could do for me, but that I had to wait a few minutes. I said, "THANKS!" and walked away. While I am waiting, I notice a nice (what I thought to be) lady get in line. She pulls out the TUDE to the nice pharmacist. She basically was mistaken of the Kroger policies. She tends to think she can use Wal-Mart coupons at Kroger. He continually told her that he couldn't do that and she told him her mind. I mean she was ridiculous to the max. I'd like to play out the conversations.... enjoy....
Pharmacist: "We do not take Wal-Mart coupons here at Kroger."
Psycho: "YES, you do... I think I would know your policies."
Pharmacist: "No, we don't m'am. I've been working here for many years and we have never done that."
Psycho: "That's it. Where is your manager? I'd like to speak to them. You need to go get them."
Pharmacist: "If you would like to speak to him, you can find him over there."
Psycho: "I am not going ANYWHERE (major tude). YOU can go get him."
(pharmacist continues to do his job..... psycho spots manager in store)
Psycho: (yelllliiinnggg) "Excuse me. Are you the manager?"
Manager: "Yes, I am."
Psycho: "This pharmacist seems to not know your policies." (goes into her pity story)
Manager: "Yes m'am. He was correct. Those are our policies."
Psycho: "That's it. Who is in charge of you and him? I am going higher I suppose. This is horrible customer service. I will make sure my story is spoken."
(manager goes and gets phone number of "higher up" person)
Pharmacist: (speaking to me) "Ms. Wexler, your prescription is now ready. M'am, could you please move to the side so Ms. Wexler can complete her order."
Psycho: "I am NOT going ANYWHERE!"
That crazy person made ME go to the other window. Absolutely ridiculous. Listen to this though.... Pharmacist Mike told me today was on him!! I didn't have to pay. He told me that he wanted to give it to me free this month and that would give me time to talk to my insurance company to get things settled. He also told me he felt sorry I had to witness all of it. You better believe Mike will be receiving cookies next week when I get back from the lake. I definitely cried when I walked out of Kroger. No joke. I was crying because I was so taken back by psycho and I couldn't believe someone who just got yelled at did a good deed for me. I hope Mike enjoys his cookies :). I also plan on calling Kroger to let them know I witnessed the whole thing and the lady was completely out of line. It's the least I could do!
Tonight I made "pretzel sparklers" to bring to the lake. It's pretzel rods dipped in melted white chocolate bark with star sprinkles and red sugar sprinkles. I tried to be patriotic. I love America's birthday!! GOOOO AMERICA!!!!!!!!
Wish me luck for my run tomorrow. I love running the Peachtree and crossing that finish line :) Happy 4th everyone!!
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