Today was a happy/blessed day. I'm going to switch it up in my posts and list reasons why my day was so great because I have so many....
1) Two people (that I look up to) who rarely give compliments gave me one each today on my teaching. :)
2) I reconnected with my bible study. I stopped going after my move home. I knew parts of me were missing and bible study was def. one of them.
3) I went to Super H Mart (asian grocery store) and had my favorite sushi (featured above). I ate by myself, which is something I have been working on. I'm too dependent on others in certain situations and I am trying to break away. I felt proud I actually did it.
4) I bought sweet Valentine's for my kids. I love everything about the holiday.
5) It snowed this morning!
6) My kids rocked the Checkpoints testing in LA from what I could tell by looking over their shoulders :).
7) I came across a college picture of one of my best friends from a formal that was priceless... enough said.
8) A parent told me words that I have been waiting to hear all year long.
9) A student asked me if a Thesaurus was a type of dinosaur. Oops... guess I need to revisit that one.
10) My kids (or at least the majority) can FINALLY write on their own and they do it well!! Adjectives galoreeeeee.... ahhh, I love being a teacher. Most rewarding job hands down... okay, I'm biased.
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