My Athens trip was a success. Got in last night, dropped stuff off at Sarah's, Val picked us up and we went to dinner with some friends at Transmet (yum!), then went out. Woke up today at 11:30, picked up Sarah from her classes (she's a TA for Poly Sci!! smarty pants), then we went to my ultimate favorite food place in the whole world.... Marti's at Midday (Martha's Salad Plate is the jam!).
Side note: On my way picking Sarah up, I decided to go for the scenic Athens route. I passed by many of my favorite UGA landmarks, but this one pictured above describes me in a nutshell. If it weren't for Aderhold Hall (education building), who knows where I would be today? I spent way too many hours behind those walls and doors.
After lunch, I went to the Ron Clark Seminar. It was absolutely amazing. He was so inspiring and had some great ideas to share that I'd like to use in my classroom. He brought his students with him who performed the voting song for the campaigns last year. That was SO cool to see. After the seminar, they were selling his books outside. I bought both of them. He was autographing and taking pictures. I was one of the lucky ones who actually got to speak with him and take a "silly picture". After this, I drove back to Sarah's then drove home to ATL making a pit stop at Lauren and Steph's place. However, it turned out being longer than a pit stop. More like 2 hours! We couldn't stop Mad Libbing on our iPhones. SOOO funny! 100% ab workout.
I am sleepyyyyy. Goodnight!
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