Good evening to all! Two things on my mind....
1) Today at school was the first Science Day. It was absolutely "EGG-cellent"! I had a fabulous time considering something.... I knew late last night that I was ill, but I was too scared to call in sick on such a crucial day. SO... I was a tough cookie. Today consisted of an Egg Drop from the roof of the school, a magic show, two experiments (my experiment was making play dough), and a science parade. At the end of each day, I do a "ticket out the door" ("TOTD") with my students. It ranges from pretty much anything really (facts, question from a topic being studied, what do you think about _______?, etc.). My "TOTD" today was... "What was your favorite part about science day?" I am all about speaking in complete sentences so they had to say "My favorite part was...". I can't wait to tell you what they said... here's a collection of my favorites...
"My favorite part was making the play dough with you. And the magician. And the egg drop when we won. And lunch in the classroom."
"My favorite part was watching the funny magician pull a dove out of the fire. How did he do that?"
"My favorite part was watching you overflow the vegetable oil on the table because you were talking to us. Maybe you shouldn't do more than one thing at a time?"
"My favorite part was walking in the parade with you. Everyone, especially the teachers, loved my flower head."
"My favorite part was when you were trying to tell us to stop walking and we didn't because your voice was so quiet." (aka my voice was pretty much not there at that point)
*This led to my class walking numerous time around the parade route... haha. Everyone thought it was pretty comical.
"My favorite part was all of it. I'll never forget today."
Overall, you can see Science Day was a hit with these peeps. Love them!
After school was not so sweet. I won't put you to sleep, but here is what happened in a nutshell. I basically got threatened to go to a doctor before I went home this afternoon. I stopped at the doc-in-a-box to find out... it really hurts when they jab your throat TWICE, strep tests are sent to Birmingham for further testing and may take till Tuesday if you come in on a Friday ("I mean if you had come in yesterday we could have had it faster." Um pretty sure I wasn't sick yesterday???? UGH), swollen black eyes are the first sign of allergies (she literally said to me... "I know we don't know each other well, but do you always have those black circles under your eyes?")... needless to say, I left so annoyed I started to cry. Thank goodness for friends that will cheer you up! Thanks Meg :)
So.... don't know what my sickness is yet... hopefully Birmingham won't take their sweet time, but what I do know is that I work at the bestest school on Earth.... people stepped in and helped me out without even having to ask. I signed my contract today and boy did it feel awesome... couldn't imagine another place I'd rather be at this point in my life.
PIC: a cute baby I saw on Ellen's page.... thought it was precious.
Night y'all--going to doctor up these "allergies"... yeah right.
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