Ladies and Gentlemen... it happened. It officially happened! And it was A-MAZING!!! We got there around 10:30 to put our name down, ate lunch at Smoke House (apparently it's well known? never heard of it though), then sat and waited and waited and waited. It was WELL worth it because I was #4 in and my mom was #5 in! We were right... we got to see Carrie Underwood, Neve Campbell, and Joshua Kelly. It was fabulous..... let me just say this... Carrie is ridiculous TINY! Like to the point where you can barely see her when she turns to the side. For real.
So want to know where we sat? PRETTY AMAZING. K. If you are looking at the audience (say, you were Ellen)... we were on the 4th row on the right side. I am on aisle. I happen to be on the aisle she dances down so when she begins her dance she goes up past me to the top then back down again to my row. Since I was by her so much, I'd be shocked if I'm not on tv. I'm wondering though if I wish to not be on tv? I kind of blacked out. When you are in the situation and Ellen is RIGHT by you all you are thinking is "I hope she dances by me!" so I really don't know what my dance moves entailed. Hopefully I don't look too ridiculous. I could have easily touched her if I wanted to... but if I did I would have easily been escorted out. haha. I'm wearing a black shirt with a black cardigan, jeans, pearls, and black wedges. It airs on THURSDAY so look for us!
Ellen+Michelle+Wanda=BFF's. During a commercial break, my mom and I were waving at Ellen. She totally smiled and waved back. To make sure she was waving to us I quickly checked behind me. When I looked back at her said "yes, YOU!" and waved again. Ahhh, loveeeeeee her.
Did I mention we got Joshua Kelly's cd AND....... Princess Di's necklace (worth over 1400 bucks! EEEEKKKK).
Today was a day I will remember for a long, long time! LOVED every minute of it and I got to spend it with the best mama in the world!
I am so jealous!!! I love Ellen! And you looked super cute- I'm setting my DVR so I can watch it tonight! :)