Today was a good day. I felt competent and confident. I got a really sweet email from someone today that made my day. They made me feel like my teaching career was one that wasn't made by mistake. Often I question and reflect on my life.... she reminded me that I do serve a purpose in the lives of these kids.
I hung out with my boyfriend tonight... aka Nick Lachey. He is the host of this new show called "The Sing Off". Holy cow!!! THIS SHOW IS PHENOMENAL. The singing on the show beats any singing on any other show. The whole show is based off of acapella groups. I lovvvveeee it when groups make music and beats with their own voices. Absolutely amazing. Not to mention... Nick is pretty fun to watch.
Josh taught a fabulous Cardio Jam class. Of course he played my favorite song of his! I cannot say enough amazing things about his ability to pump up a workout class.
Favorite quote of the day?
Scene: Students are gathered in a circle naming different homophones (words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and mean something different).
Me: Can anyone think of another pair of homophones?
Student: I KNOW!!! Jello--j-e-l-l-o and jhello--j-H-e-l-l-o... Like the jello you eat and the jhello instrument.
Me: I'm not sure I know an instrument called a jhello?
Student: It has strings.
Me: OHHHH, a cello!!
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