My new friend, Katherine, and I! We met through mutual friends. She's great!
DAY 3: post a picture with someone you've met this year and write 15 things you want to do by this time next year.. :)
1. Become a better teacher with new creative ideas.
2. Go sky diving :)
3. Become fluent in Spanish (or at least better than I am currently--my assistant only talks to me in Spanish so I am on my way there).
4. Start up a club at school... I have an idea, I just need time!
5. Stay in touch with my friends... I tend to stay in my bubble.
6. Go to more workout classes instead of my regular step.
7. Develop more patience.
8. Try new foods... I'm not a seafood person really and I think it's about time I try it out. Indian food looks interesting too.
9. Work on procrastination... it's getting the best of me.
10. Beat Marhilvi in Words with Friends.... by a lot.
11. Go back to LA to attend more shows! I don't think I can beat this year though with the American Idol Finale, shaking Jay Leno's hand, and Dancing with the Stars!
12. End being a hoarder... make a couple trips a year to Good Will.
13. Stand up for myself and not do what people want me to just to make THEM happy.
14. Travel to another country... somewhere in Europe would be cool!
15. Become more competent in teaching.

As a side job, Lindsey is a magician. Or at least when she sits by an air vent. :)

Silly string's best friend, Goofy string (cheap dollar store version), met Lindsey last night at the birthday party.
Yesterday was crazy busy. School, Lindsey's car dealership, Lindsey's house, principal's casa for staff party, decorate for Nicole's birthday, then surprise party! Phewwwww. Long day... notice that is why I didn't have time to post. I send my apologies.