6:00am: Phone call that changed my mood for the day (won't go into it).
7:00am-3:30pm: School day. Fairly good day. No complaints.
3:35pm: Actually had time to check my email to find TWO special emails. No comment.
4:00pm: Cheerleading.
6:00pm: Called person(s) in reply to email. No comment.
6:20pm: On my way home from cheerleading I realized I didn't put our huge erosion project away... should probably do that considering there are classes in my room tonight. Drove to school.
6:30pm: Start car... car won't start. Dead. No battery.
6:32pm: Try to get on internet to look up Lexus number by me. Internet thinks I'm at school so I need a password.
6:34pm: Call mommy. No answer because she's at 313 salon getting purdy. Call Lindsey. No answer because she's at bowling. Call Meghan. FINALLY--success!
6:37pm: Meghan looks up number for me so I can call before Lexus closes.
6:38pm: Lexus tells me that they can't help me, but that they will call Triple A.
6:38pm: Lindsey beeps in to tell me she is on her way to school to sit with me. BEST FRIEND EVER!!!!!
8:00pm: Triple A finally gets to school. Come to find out my battery is shot. Dead. A year old car? 2009? Absolutely ridic.
8:15pm: Lindsey follows me to Lexus to drop off car and key in box.
8:30pm: Finally home. Country Music Awards to unwind and chill.
Yes, you can probably tell that my outlook on my day is not the most positive. However, I believe that everything happens for a reason. I don't know the reason for this, but I do know that.... I am lucky it happened at my school and not in a super sketch area.... I am lucky my roommate was close by/sat with me/helped me drop my car off/took me home/can drive me to work tomorrow..... I am thankful that if it had to happen, it happened the way it did.
Hopefully tomorrow is a better one. I look forward to a fresh start. Good night.
Bless your heart! Next time, feel free to call me (especially considering I only live about 5 minutes from school!) Glad you looked on the brighter side of your day! Hope this weekend is a blast!