Kids truly do say the funniest things. Today was one of those days where I had to literally hold in a big laugh. :D Let me set up the scene for you....
Who: My class and I (and two student teachers observing me)
What: Reading a story called Beatrice Doesn't Want To (a story about a little girl who doesn't want to read, but eventually realizes that she loves to read through her experiences)
Where: My classroom on the carpet
When: Today
Why: I read them a story then the students were going to write about what they think probably happened after the story ended.
Before I read the story or even read the title (key point), I held up the book and said, "What do you think this story might be about based on just glancing at the cover?"
--Kid #1: I think it's going to be about a girl that doesn't want to clean her room.
--Kid #2: Look, she has her books and backpack, I think she doesn't want to go to school.
--Kid #3: Yeah, I think she doesn't want to clean her room. I hate to clean my room!
--Kid #4: (with a huge SMILE) I know I know!!! I think she doesn't want to eat her beat rice.
--Me: Her beat rice? (I look over at two student teachers that were in the room observing me to see if they caught on to what she was talking about. I look back at the child in confusion.) What do you mean "beat rice"?
--Kid #4: Yes, Ms. Wexler. Seeeeeee! At the top it says "BEAT RICE".... "B-E-A-T.... R-I-C-E".
Me (thinking out loud): OOOOOHHHHHH!!!! (realizing she thought Beatrice the name was separated into a food.... beat rice) .......
Of course we discussed that I could see where she would think that, but that it actually said Beatrice, which was the character's name. I was actually impressed that she chunked the word and used the words on the cover to try and gain meaning for what might happen.
In my three whole years of teaching, this definitely goes down as top 3 of favorite quotes/memories from a student. It made my heart smile <3 :)