Spent my morning on the phone with Holiday Inn and Edible Arrangements. Two separate occasions. Both companies were very nice and helpful. I'm surprised both were kind to me considering I have canceled, reordered, etc. many times. After that, I went to O'Charley's to pick up our to-go order. My mom and I looovvvveee their salads. Lunch made me super tired so I took my afternoon two hour nap. Just call me Sleeping Beauty... I swear! I am the only person I know that can sleep at the drop of a hat. Once I awoke, I went to step class at LA Fitness with a boring instructor. I don't even know why I bother. No one compares to my Josh. Then, I went running/walking (mostly haha) around my neighborhood. Holy hotness. I about passed out a few times. I took a break to take a picture of a pretty flower I saw along the way. Came home and made dinner. I did it old school tonight. Kraft macaroni & cheese and a grilled cheese sandwich. It was soooo good! It used to be my favorite meal when I was younger. Tonight, I plan on reading my book and watching a bit of tv. I'm soaking up my chill days as much as I can. Bachelorette weekend in t-2 days!!
If I am not mistaken - that is a bloom on a Mimosa tree.... how appropro :o)
ReplyDeleteAnonymous... Reveal yourself please. "Appropro"... That's an awesome abbrev.