For the first time in soooooo long, I woke up at 3:30 and couldn't go back til 6am. I was so restless. I read a few chapters of Eclipse. I watched a documentary on Michael Jackson and his chimp Bubbles. I even watched cartoons (what?!?!?). I eventually fell asleep, but then woke back up at 8 and I've been up ever since in the worst mood ever. What the heck? I never have problems sleeping. I am so restless still right now. While watching the MJ documentary, I decided I'd do the top 25 things you don't (or at least I think you don't) know about me. I was inspired because I learned so many things about MJ from watching it so I figured why not! I'll do it too. This thing went around facebook not too long ago and I never had time.... well I had all the time in the world this morning. I apologize if it doesn't make sense... I'm still restless and aggravated I can't sleep.
25 Things You Don’t Know About Me (in no particular order)
1. Texture of food pretty much determines if I’ll eat it.
2. I don’t do scary movies.... the last one I saw was in 8th grade.
3. I’d rather be cold, but I like summer better.
4. Big families amaze me.... I could watch Jon & Kate Plus 8 or 19 Kids & Counting (The Duggar family) all day.
5. I love my lip gloss.
6. I feel weird without jewelry on and my nails done.
7. I have feet problems because of pointe shoes in ballet for so many years.... heels hurt! :(
8. I know what I don’t want, but I don’t know what I want entirely?
9. I LOVE salads..... it’s bad..... potato, macaroni, chicken, regular, etc.
10. Dancing is the cure to anything. I don’t think I’d be who I am today without it in my life.
11. I wish overalls were still in style.... I saved mine in hopes they will come back.
12. I have a problem shopping for school.... Lakeshore Learning is my guilty pleasure.
13. I’m a scaredy cat.... especially in the dark or by myself at night.
14. If I could have another job, it’d be something involved in celebrity entertainment.
15. I can’t wait to have kids of my own.... like really... I can’t wait.
16. Getting letters in the mail makes me really happy.
17. I hate all of the scars on my body, but I find it interesting that all of them have a story.
18. I believe a dog can truly be your best friend.... I miss my childhood best friend every day. :(
19. It takes me a lot to get into a book. I get bored easily. I’m getting better though.
20. I’d rather wear my hair straight (30 min), but curly is easier (5 min).
21. I can tell aging is not going to be good for me... the older I get the sadder I feel about my age. Hopefully, I get over this soon!
22. I can wink with my left eye, but not my right eye.
23. I absolutely LOVE taking pictures and looking through them, but I absolutely HATE organizing them.
24. I have a hard time over analyzing EVERYTHING. That’s probably no secret actually.
25. When I sleep (oh, how I wish I could right now)...... I cannot have the sheets tucked in. My feet HAVE to hang out the bottom. I cannot wear socks. I only use one pillow under my head, but I like others to surround me.